Interview Stress

Are you feeling the pressure? Don’t worry, you’re not alone if you feel interview stress. Most people do. After all, the interview is a pressure situation. Stress is a natural part of the process.

We feel stress because its important……but the problem occurs if you let yourself be overwhelmed by that stress and freeze up. The best candidates are the ones who are best able to deal with the pressure and still give a great interview.

Feeling stressed can actually be good for you. Honest. Stress raises performance and focuses the mind…..if it doesn’t destroy your interview chances first. The trick is knowing how to handle it. Interview stress is primarily about fear: that we won’t do well or that we will fail. Often these fears can become a self fulfilling prophecy. Your outcomes will usually match your expectations. Candidates who feel positive about the interview will always perform better.

So here are the top tips to handling interview stress

Know what to expect

Surprises are never good for your interview. Find out what type of interview you will face. Who will be interviewing you? Will you be asked to do a interview presentation? Do your research and find out what they will be looking for from you. NOW.

To learn how to get the job interview information you need - click hereBe prepared

You will feel a lot less stressed if you feel ready for anything. As you learn how the interview process works, your fear will melt away in the face of a newfound confidence.

Focus on performance

Don’t waste time worrying about what you can’t control. Yes, the interviewer may have 3 heads, or they may offer your job to someone else after all your effort. But your job is to make sure that you give a great interview performance. Regardless. Focus on being ready and giving a great performance – the outcomes will take care of themselves.

Prepare you answers

Practice on sample interview questions . Make sure you know how you will deal with those tough interview questions that could leave you squirming.

Have a routine

all the best athletes know what they are going to do – use the guide to what to do before the interview to help you.

Keep a perspective

Whether or not you get the job, you are still a great candidate. This wont be your only opportunity.

Understand that when an interviewee has “failed” it is the outcome of a long process.

It hasn’t gone to plan on this occasion. When you can take a step back and see the processes involved you can begin to move forward by asking the questions that empower you:

What worked for me? Where can I improve? How will I improve?

As you focus on these questions you move toward your eventual success.

Find out about how to handle the stress interview!

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