So what do you need to do to give great interview answers?

The problem with interview answers is most people get them “wrong”.

They wing it when it comes to their answers because they don’t believe they can prepare for what will come up.

They have a point. Trying to second guess exactly what questions will be asked is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Besides, you’ll be in trouble if you are only prepared for those exact questions. The best candidates use a broader approach. Methods that will help you prepare interview answers quickly and simply.

Having answers ready prepared is a massive advantage. Most candidates aren’t prepared. They suffer nerves. This drags down the whole interview performance. After all, there is nothing worse than sitting in an interview sounding as though you are guessing the answers!

Preparing your answers will improve every aspect of your interview performance. You will give better answers, with more conviction.

• Knowing you are ready is guaranteed to improve your confidence.

• You will naturally carry yourself more effectively, and create a more positive impression.

• You will be able to focus on building your relationship with the interviewer.

How can you prepare?

Without a crystal ball you won’t know the exact questions. But you can predict what areas will be covered. Then your knowledge of the role and company will point towards what they will be looking for from you in each area.

Here’s how it works:

Questions are designed with great care to assess the competencies for the job and how you measure up. This allows the interviewer to be satisfied they cover the important things and measure everyone against the same yardstick.

All questions are designed to answer one of the three core questions; • Are you capable of doing the job?

• Are you able to fit the team?

• Are you willing to do the job?

Each question will fall under one of these common interview question categories.

• Manageability

• Personality

• Ambitions

• Experience

• Strengths/Weaknesses

So what do you need to do?

Remember, great interviews come from knowing what employers are looking for, and knowing how to give it to them. There are three keys to great interview answers:

• Recognise the most common questions in each area and what the employer wants to see. This ability is priceless.

• Know how you would tailor an answer to what the employer is after

• Use an effective technique to create answers to wow the interviewer

Now thats enough for the introduction. Its time for you to see how you can make your interview answers work. A great tool to help you is The Ultimate Guide To Job Interview Answers , the best selling guide to giving great answers. As a former recruiter, I know that the approach offered will help you, and give it my top recommendation. Check it out.

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